All Your healthcare
services in one App

Talk to a doctor, purchase your prescribed medicines, and have them delivered to you.

Healthcare Service, Reimagined for Everyone

A platform for managing healthcare, prescription, logistics and ambulance services, for individuals and businesses.

Why Choose Hospyta

Hospyta is a Health-Tech Startup with a huge potential to drive innovation and digital technology in the healthcare industry.


Unique Healthcare Experience


Top rated Service


Excellent Customer Support


Robust Access to Health Professionals


Interoperability and Convenience


Advanced Security

Hospyta is built for

Hospyta is a Health-Tech Startup with a huge potential to drive innovation and digital technology in the healthcare industry.





Our Products

Hospyta offers a health-supportive assemblage of innovative applications that work together in a high-tech, salutary symphony to deliver the virtual healthcare services of the future...

Patient App

Hospyta provides a healthcare service hub that connects patients and healthcare providers of various specialties and locations. It allows users to access, manage, and coordinate their healthcare needs, such as booking appointments, consulting doctors, getting prescriptions, ordering tests, and recieving results.

Learn more about user application

Doctor App

  • HOSPYTA provides Doctors with a unique platform to make their healthcare expertise directly available to the public
  • You can offer remote consultations, recommendations and prescriptions for minor complaints as well as referrals to hospitals and specialists for more serious conditions.
  • You can follow up your patients on HOSPYTA and save time, effort and money for both them and yourself.
  • You will also find that our network of vendors can provide everything you need to practice effectively with the least hassle.
Learn more about Doctors application

Vendor App

Vendors on HOSPYTA gain an impressive exposure to a growing community of health-conscious people who now have a way to access healthcare seamlessly and conveniently. This means that you have a bigger market for your products, and better insights to aid your business decisions.

Learn more about Vendor application

Rider App

Hospyta connects Riders and vendors

  • The HOSPYTA logistics network is unlike any other and enables our Dispatch to collect, connect and deliver with less stress and more speed and accuracy.
Learn more about Rider application

Ambulance App

Hospyta provides a platform that unifies and streamlines Ambulance services. Hospyta connects Patients and Individuals in an emergency to large ambulance networks.
Our ambulance networks can use this app to accept, track and complete Ambulance Pickups.

Learn more about ambulance application

With Hospyta you will hold basic healthcare in the palm of your hand

Simplify your Healthcare Journey